Notice regarding snapshot of TTX BSC for NFT distribution

1 min readDec 7, 2021


We want to remind you again that we will take a snapshot of TTX BSC on 8 Dec. at 3:00 am (UTC).

For this campaign, you need to have at least 5,000 TTX BSCs to receive the NFT. (except for holding momentarily, such as by bot)

To calculate the number of TTX BSCs, we add the expected number of TTX BSCs distributed based on the recent snapshot to that of TTX BSCs held physically.

Even if you haven’t received any TTX BSCs yet, you can still have the right to receive the NFT as long as the sum of your current holdings and the number of TTX BSCs to be distributed exceeds 5,000.

The distribution address of the NFT is where TTX BSC is currently stored or where you held the TTX ETH at the time 1st snapshot was held. (No need to cancel your LP.)

If you are unsure of the number of TTX BSCs based on the 1 Dec. snapshot, please c1 Dec. via the email;

We’ll deliver the TTX BSCs based on the results of the 1 Dec. snapshot soon. To receive the token safely, we recommend Metamask, SafePal, or Trust Wallet.

Thank you.

