NFT distribution to the TTX BSC holder

1 min readNov 22, 2021


It’s been a while since the BSC version of TTX was published. We believe that the TTX ecosystem is getting more active than ever with its launch!

As a kickstart, we will be distributing an original NTF to all holders of the BSC version of TTX Token.

Snapshot: December 8, 2021, 3:00am UTC

This NFT is a highly precious piece of work that you cannot obtain in any other way than by holding a TTX BSC on a specific date or by purchasing it from its owner. Please take this opportunity to get the piece.

We will announce the details and dates of the NFT distribution soon. Please note that Safepal is the recommended wallet to receive the NFTs.

In addition, as we mentioned already, we will distribute the same number of BEP tokens to ERC token holders. The tokens will be delivered to the same address, holding the ERC version TTX token, in which the snapshot will be taken. Please check out this article.

We will continue to work on increasing the value of the TTX economy in various ways. Thank you for your continued support.

More details about TTX service



